Thursday, 04 February 2021 21:28

Haiva Ru highlights intense and dark feelings on new release "Wildflowers"

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Haiva Ru Haiva Ru

Haiva Ru is a solo artist who released “Wildflowers” last year. The single is emotionally resonant, touching base with painful subject matters as the artist searches for justification after the untimely loss of a young sibling.


The single rushes in with dynamic strumming on guitars making for a striking sound as beats, percussions and the sound of keys chime in. Ru’s dazzling vocals makes an impression right from the start. I felt her vocals made for a compelling delivery. Strains of guitar riffs reverberate overhead this track. You cannot deny the pining projected in her singing. Ru’s vocals brim with a fragile power. Underneath the vulnerability is a strength that cannot be denied. The soaring sounds are surely startling. I was arrested from the start to finish.


On the release, Ru dives deep to unearth some buried emotions. Playing all the instruments herself, Ru very much performs as a one-women-band. Each section to this single magnifies the emotional power emphasized on this track. You can feel Ru baring-all on this deeply intimate and up-close-and-personal performance. While this seems to come from a deep place within her, I could imagine the songwriting process to be profoundly therapeutic and cathartic, which in turns make the listening experience that much more poignant and powerful. The intense and raw subject matter is a welcome distraction from your usual pop fare. As she explores the process of grief and loss, you see an artist flexing her vocal abilities and range as a musician. This was a solid release and I look forward to hearing more from this promising artist.


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Haiva Ru's "Wildflowers"