Wednesday, 04 April 2018 20:45

XXXTENTACION's "?" is Flaming Up The Charts [Album Review]

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Despite the insurmountable amount of controversy surrounding XXXTentacion, his music continues to light up the charts. His latest project "?" is doing impressive numbers,  scoring the #1 Hip-Hop album two weeks in a row. 

Week 1: 131,000 Sales - 

20,000 Traditional Sales. 106,000 Streams.

Week 2: 76,302 Sales -

4,262 Traditional Album Sales. 72,040 Streams.


Most rappers these days don't attain even 70k streams on a mixtape or album release, so for X to be doing these numbers on his SECOND week is quite impressive. The thing that I think is really working for X is that he is really reaching out and resonating with his target audience. His tartget audience at the "emo" kids and rap rock and pop punk type audience.


I remember a few months ago, X passionately, yet naively stated that he was better than Tupac. Some may deem him delusional. Some may actually agree with him ( They were probably born in the 2000s lol). I know one thing , though. When he said it, whether its true or not, he believed it; and that energy moved him forward.

His reasoning for him being better than Tupac was that he was more diverse than Tupac. I personally don't think that is fair because Tupac died in his mid 20s. Who knows how Tupac would have evolved? Pac could have gotten into all kinds of different ventures had he been given the chance to continue living.


The reason I mention all of this is because it leads me into this question. Does Diversity actually = Better?


Well, after Listening through the tape, X definitely proves diverse. His mix of different genres such as emo rock and classic 90s hip-hop showcases his influences influence on his own music in the best of ways. When it comes to the question of does diversity equal better? If not better, at least impressive. 


I think that the "SoundCloud Rapper" Label that many in the community used to assign to X is now being revoked. He's earned the respek on his name. He has been trying to get his act together, he's been doing numbers, and staying postive. Hopefully the rising superstar can stay out of trouble and just focus on the music and good vibes.


Thanks for tuning in as always ! 



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- Max Ataraxis

Read 1736 times Last modified on Wednesday, 04 April 2018 21:53
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