Sunday, 11 June 2017 15:19

"Flying" - 4/20 Theme song

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"Flying" - 4/20 Theme song fccfreeradio

Chill beat, catchy hook, and fluid flows by artists PC, YoungFuture, JB, and Reggie aka 100Degrees.  Produced and recorded in 2011 in a matter of a few hours by one of Diversal's inhouse producers in one of those ghetto DIY home studio college huts, these group of college friends recorded a classic 420 themed influenced track.  While the members have embarked on different journeys, they are still in talks of releasing more projects (We'll keeo you updated).  In the meatime, some listen to this track every April 20th in commemoration and tradition, while others enjoy it whenver.  Take a listen and vibe with em'. Don't forget about it in April*.  

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Flying - 420 theme PC, YoungFuture, JB, Reggie.aka.100Degrees