Saturday, 03 May 2014 15:18

Brandon Jarod

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Brandon Jarod Brandon Jarod

From growing buzz out of Virginia, to performing all over the country, including two nationally televised performances, one, the National Anthem at a San Antonio Spurs game against the Utah Jazz and the other, the Star Spangled Banner at a L.A Clippers vs L.A Lakers game, Brandon Jarod mesmerizes audiences with his extreme guitar talent.  Freestyling the guitar behind his back, over his head, and even with his mouth, Brandon Jarod is an automatic favorite by anyone who has seen him play.  Currently residing on the east coast, Brandon Jarod continues to focus his music career by giving back to the community and teaching kids, by collaborating with other artists on projects and those upcoming, and also by working on his solo projects that we are effing excited to stay tuned for.   

Below is a soundcloud link to a recent project co-produced by Brandon Jarod and Gabe Niles from Sunny & Gabe.

Read 3751 times Last modified on Monday, 05 December 2016 23:49
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The Crush by Brandon Jarod
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